This area will contain details on forthcoming society events, when and where they will be, and other things of that nature.
Election night: AGM
Congratulations dear readers. After 2 years of being forced to read my rants, you’re finally going to be rid of me. Yes it’s that time again where we all gather (virtually, obviously) and elect a new High Council in the Annual General Meeting (I think that’s what it stands for. That or Argue about Government Matters. Or something funnier that I can’t think of right now). This is the time where you (well, most people who read this website are leaving this year so I guess this doesn’t apply to everyone) are able to throw your hat in the ring and attempt to seize power by manipulating the other weak-willed members into voting for you. There are plenty of positions up for grabs, including mine. Imagine that, being able to run a website without having to actually know what you’re doing!! This is the only chance you’ll have all year to ascend to one of the coveted positions on the High Council, so if you want to be able to have a say in what events we put on, now’s the time to speak up. Cast your Delicious Sams into the Urn of Rassilon and decide the future of our society!
To be able to vote, you need to have a society membership, which you must have paid for. If you haven’t got one, contact Scarlette Electra LeBlanc (our President and current holder of the coolest name ever) and she can set you up.
If you want to check out what each role involves before you run for election, please read Tom’s email, which is sure to contain all useful (and lots of useless) information. If you want to save an entire afternoon, check out the rest of the website for the relevant pages. If you can find them. Honestly this thing is a mess. I hope my successor can somehow sort this out.
Oh and one other thing. Don’t run for Vice-President. That position has always been empty as a nod to the real High Council in the show. If you run for it, you run the risk of destroying the fragile democracy that holds this society together. Believe me, I know from experience. David voted for me and this led to an hour long search as to how voting works and I’m pretty sure we never solved it. Almost drove the society apart (which even I haven’t been able to do, despite my best efforts).
Location: Wherever you are! All of our events for Michaelmas term will be held online via Discord, which you can access via this link:
When: 7pm, Saturday 6th March 2021
Tweets about #WhoSocEvents from:CUDWSUpcoming Talks: