Interview with Catherine Tregenna

Catherine Tregenna

To celebrate John Barrowman’s 50th birthday, we asked the lovely Catherine Tregenna a few questions about Jack Harkness, herself and her writing! Cath has written several episodes for Torchwood – namely Out of Time; Captain Jack Harkness; Meat and Adam. More recently, she also penned The Woman Who Lived for Doctor Who!


Were you a fan of Doctor Who or sci-fi before writing for Torchwood?

Not especially. I enjoy certain offbeat character driven sci-fi films such as Moon by Duncan Jones, anything that reflects the human condition really. I loved the way Russell T Davies had reinvented Doctor Who with his brilliant attention to character as well as his endless inventiveness and social commentary but it would not have occurred to me to volunteer my writing services. Luckily, it did occur to them!


What attracted you to Torchwood?

Working closely with Russell knowing he had such clarity of vision for the show. He always said sci-fi was a way to tell a bigger human epic story. Also, I liked that it was more uncertain, like a brooding enigmatic cousin to the more family orientated Doctor Who. The characters were new and we could take them in challenging directions. You could bring your own preferred genre to the story of the week.


Out of Time was a more intimate and emotional exploration of time travel. What influences contributed to its concepts and tone?

The first story Out of Time had great emotional potential despite its very simple premise – three random people leave Bristol in a small plane in 1953 and land in modern day Cardiff. It was a way to tell an epic human story without aliens, just about three lost souls and how they survived. Lots of people refer to it as ‘lovely’ which is nice but it is also dark, dealing with euthanasia and the suicide of a patriarchal man who feels he has no place in the modern world. I loved the characters, their pathos and courage. The female pilot, Diane Holmes, was  influenced by the empowering wartime actresses of the 1940s as well as the actual Spitfire women who tapped into their inner adventurers. The young girl Emma was very much inspired by my mother who bravely left her small Welsh home town at 15 for London. What intrigued me was how they’d affect our regulars, mainly Gwen, Jack and Owen.


Given the cynicism of Owen Harper in previous episodes, was it a challenge to convincingly reveal his vulnerable side in Out of Time?

It was great fun. It was yelling out to be done. Here he was, the cocky Casanova and this woman ran rings round him and eventually ditched him on the runway. Burn Gorman was brilliant as was Louise Delamere and it turned into a surprising love story where attitudes to chivalry and sex could be explored. Diane was a modern woman through and through.


When writing Captain Jack Harkness and Adam, were you given any guidelines or constraints regarding what you could reveal or explore about Jack’s character?

No, it was up for grabs. And the fascinating thing about Captain Jack Harkness is that you end up knowing less about him by the end. You just know he stole someone else’s name. Again, this was a chance to show two men kissing passionately in a context where that could never happen – in a dance hall in 1942, and I’m really proud of that scene. As for Adam, I wanted Jack’s tragedy to be personal. He’d seen and conquered terrifying aliens so what could be his human Achilles heel? Then it came to me that he failed to save his brother when under attack, he let go of his hand and has never forgiven himself. The memory he craved was his family alive and happy before tragedy struck. It had to be something very tempting for him to be strong enough to resist.


How did writing for Doctor Who compare to writing for Torchwood?

I was a lot more nervous as I do think it’s a difficult genre appealing to all ages BUT it could not have been a more delightful process. Steven Moffat was hugely helpful and supportive and of course we had his genius at our disposal throughout the process. The subject was right up my street, a woman who has lived for 500 years but has a normal size memory. There was a lot to explore there.


To varying degrees, the characters of Lady Me/Ashildr and Jack Harkness seem to parallel the Doctor. What, if anything, do you feel the Doctor learned about himself from these two characters?

In my episode he says that people like him ‘go on too long’ and can sometimes lose sight of the gift of life, precisely because it is fleeting. I think it’s why he needs a companion, a spokesperson from the human race to remind him to be compassionate and have a conscience.


Which character from Torchwood or Doctor Who was your favourite to write and why?

Apart from the amazing Diane Holmes (pilot in Out of Time), I had a lot of fun with Rhys played by Kai Owen. I loved the posturing between him and Jack and his very real response to finding out about Torchwood. And his relationship with Gwen was a touchstone to reality with a lot of comedic potential and heart.


Would you be open to writing for Doctor Who again?

If the story was something I feel I could run with and mine for all its emotional worth, yes!


Would you recommend any Torchwood episodes to the society? 

Everything Changes is a classic. It’s the opener and it is witty, assured and dynamic. There is a beautiful episode in my opinion called Adrift by Chris Chibnall which I remember to be really moving. My personal favourite of mine is probably Out of Time although Adam comes a close second. I had always wanted to explore memory after reading a quote by DM Thomas after his wife died. Asked if he missed her, he replied, ‘I miss what she knew of me’. That’s why Rhys questions whether Gwen would or could fall for him again after losing her memories of their relationship.


Finally, are you working on any Torchwood- or Who-related projects now or soon? 

I am not as stands. I am developing my own show about a particularly interesting and disturbing time in American History but that’s probably all I’m allowed to say. But my memories of writing on both shows are some of the high-lights of my career – you never know what you can do unless you try!


Our thanks to Cath for taking the time to answer our questions!

Pogonology in Who

After years of writing “Can grow a beard” on CVs and applications, I’ve finally found an area I’m qualified to write about! Facial hair in Doctor Who has a prominent role, if you know where to look. Most people dismiss face-fur as the mark of a lazy man, but I contend that it’s far, far more than that. A singer needs his voice; a surgeon needs his hands; and an actor needs his face. Does that include the fuzz that sprouts when he forgets to shave? Absolutely!

There are two broad ways in which facial hair can inform the viewer. The first, most obvious, one is that facial hair signals the passage of time. Months or years can be added to a face with a beard and, in a few short seconds, we may see the emotions that come with that. Anguish and loneliness, exhaustion and grief – all of these can be conveyed by the crafting of a beard.

The second means of analysis is to relate the beard to the character himself. The beard can be a manifestation of cultural moulding as well as the character’s personality and choices. While it initially sounds a bit far-fetched to believe that these deeper messages lie within tangled strands of keratin, it’s important to note that actors and filmmakers deliberately plan and tweak the details of what their character looks like. Costume, makeup, mannerisms are all commonly manipulated to achieve the desired effect and facial hair has a powerful role here. Beards take a while to grow fully and the decision to grow one is important when a man’s job revolves around his appearance; it cannot be taken lightly. The beard can drastically change a face – I look like a toddler when shaven, but when bearded, I look like a king or a pirate or a musketeer. Or a homeless guy.

In this article, I’ll examine the facial hair of the Master and the Doctor. While this decision is the one that gives me the most to talk about, I also chose those two because the parallels between their characters adds another dimension to the analysis.

Delgado’s Master

Just look at that goatee! If you’re not jealous, you should be. It adds weight and emphasis to Roger Delgado’s chin, giving his wide face a bit of a vertical stretch so it looks a little longer. The touches of grey hint at wisdom and experience, further evidenced by the sweeping back of his hair to expose the forehead. This receding hair and thick beard balance each other out so that Delgado looks like the classy, older uncle I wish I had.

To analyse the beard, we can’t really employ the view that it signals the passage of time. While it would be very pertinent to most other characters, this approach to pogonology is almost meaningless for Delgado’s Master. As demonstrated with the regeneration of the Eleventh Doctor into the Twelfth, a Time Lord can possess an older-looking body from the moment of renewal. Therefore, unless Delgado’s incarnation of the Master is the first, and there’s been no confirmation of that, the grey in his beard could simply be a regenerative fluke.

Instead, we may examine the beard in terms of character. The Master chooses to sculpt his beard into the shape he wears and the result is neat and distinguished. Smooth cheeks, well-defined lines and every remaining hair has bowed to his will. This demonstrates power over his face, mastery and dominance. It’s difficult work taming the stray hairs and keeping the stubble at bay, so this conveys a desire to control the beard, just as he desires control over everything else.

But why have the beard at all? It’s far easier to stay clean-shaven than it is to keep a beard tidy. The answer lies in the second character trait demonstrated by this beard: vanity. I’ve already discussed how good it looks on him, and the Master knows it.

Pratt’s and Beevers’ portrayals of the Master lacked facial hair. Because they lacked hair. And faces. So we’ll move swiftly onto…

Ainley’s Tremas

(Spoilers for The Keeper of Traken)

Tremas was a Consul of Traken and Nyssa’s father. His grey beard and hair flowed freely, immediately telling us that he’s approaching the latter stages of life. Not quite there yet, but it’s on the horizon for him. Note the resemblance to depictions of Greek philosophers and Renaissance thinkers – his appearance evokes preconceived ideas of wisdom and experience. As he’s in a position of power and high standing, this makes perfect sense.

However, at the end of The Keeper of Traken, the Master takes over Tremas’ body, presumably chuckling with glee at the anagrammatic foreshadowing.

Ainley’s Master

The big, bushy beard is gone now. If we remember what it represented on Tremas’ face, we can see this transformation as the stripping away of all that time and wisdom. I believe this was intended to be viewed as a perverted form of regeneration; it’s a renewal of the Master but a corruption of Tremas.

While the Master becomes young, it’s an ascension from the burned and decrepit body he’d previous inhabited. However, as Tremas becomes young, as represented by the dark hair and short beard, he loses the man he had grown into. He loses the symbol of the wise philosopher, he loses the mark of dignity and experience. As the Master ascends, Tremas regresses.

A case can be made for the view that Tremas’ visual corruption must occur in order to become the Master onscreen. After all, the Master represents those deepest, devilish urges for power and conquest. For the peaceful Tremas to become that character, he must bend to the Master’s will. His beard is tamed, refined and controlled. Also, the Master’s plans are irresponsible and impulsive at times while Tremas’ beard represents wisdom. While cunning, the Master is not a very wise man, so he twists Tremas’ facial hair into something the Master can relate to – an ornament of vanity, hearkening back to Delgado’s incarnation.

But despite the resemblance to Delgado’s beard, this one is different. Gone are the touches of grey, which further underline the abandonment of wisdom in favour of youth. This goatee is also thinner, a pale imitation of Delgado’s furry Masterpiece. Similarly, Ainley’s Master isn’t truly the Time Lord that Delgado’s was. He’s now a possessed Trakenite, a mortal shadow of what he once was. His ‘regeneration’ was a perverse abomination, bearing only the slightest of resemblances to the Time Lord process.

He’s still vain; he’s still power-hungry; his beard is still cartoonishly evil. This man is still the Master, but he’s a fallen and crippled Master, he’s just hiding his vulnerability behind the face of Nyssa’s father.

 The War Doctor

I’m skipping Tom Baker’s sideburns because it was very difficult to see them under his hair, hat and scarf. John Hurt’s beard is more prominent and there’s more to say about it.

In The Night of the Doctor, we glimpsed the War Doctor’s reflection shortly after the Eighth’s regeneration. No beard. Then, in The Name of the Doctor, we see him with a beard. Time has passed, long enough for the dark hair to turn grey and a beard to grow. From the Doctor’s point of view, the Time War clearly occupied a large chunk of his life.

Now we can examine the character of the beard. Firstly, it’s a goatee. For decades, the goatee in Who has been associated with the Master and now the Doctor sports one. Perhaps it’s a coincidence, but that’s a boring answer. More likely, the parallel between him and the Master is being deliberately emphasised by both the creators and the character. I say “the character” because his cheeks are bare. The Doctor has chosen this beard and I’d contend that he’s chosen it to compare himself with the Master.

And it’s a fair comparison in his eyes. This Doctor is now a soldier. A killer, a gambler, a man who will murder a few to save the many. He has so thoroughly abandoned his rules that the Master, as an amoral renegade, may be the only person he feels safe relating to. After all, philosophies aside, he and the Master are very similar.

This parallel coupled with shame may explain the beard. It’s shame which drives his future selves to reject him and drives him to reject his own name. Shame may also drive him to hide his face, to wear a mask. This underlines the distance between him and the normally clean-shaven Doctor whilst strengthening his connection to the Master.

However, while similar to him, the Doctor is not the Master and is certainly not as vain. This is reflected in the scruffiness of the beard and the wisps of hair sprouting from his cheeks; he’s clearly not maintaining it as well as the Master would. This serves as reassurance that the Doctor, while similar to him, is not the Master. And perhaps, this scruffiness can be seen as hope for some sort of redemption, evidence that the old Doctor is still in there somewhere.

The Eleventh Doctor

The Doctor, by virtue of his Time Lordliness, defies strict linear time. He ages linearly along his own timestream, but it’s hugely out of sync with the rest of the universe. In addition, his appearance defies linearity via regeneration, showing no general trend in the visible age of his incarnations.

When the Doctor loses his timelessness, however, it’s a shock. It’s a loss of the freedom and power he’s had since he ran away from Gallifrey. So when the youthful Matt Smith sported a beard in the Day of the Moon and the Wedding of River Song, we immediately knew that the Doctor was stuck on the ‘slow path’ with us and that time was passing for him.

Aging the Doctor is a simple way of raising the stakes. It has been used four times in the NuWho era, but only on the second and third occasions, shown in the aforementioned episodes, was this done by adding a beard. The fourth occasion occurred in The Time of the Doctor, and it adds an interesting dimension to the concept of aging the Doctor.

Either the Eleventh Doctor’s chin went bald, or he’d been shaving over the 900ish years spent defending Christmas. Given that he’s previously kept his face clean-shaven most of the time, it’s reasonable to suppose that he’d been shaving at least some of the time on Trenzalore. But what does it mean? Why should anyone care about whether the Doctor shaves?

It’s a question of identity. We can look at the first occasion the Doctor was aged in NuWho – the Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords. The Master (using something that wasn’t his TCE for unknown reasons) aged the Tenth Doctor into Gollum to weaken and humiliate him. It works because the Master took away parts of the Doctor that he secretly prized: his dashing good looks, his height, his hair and his athleticism.


The Time of the Doctor is a similar thing, but it’s the culmination of life taking things away from the Doctor since he regenerated. Initially, he was an innocent hero, a boyish wizard rushing about and righting wrongs. Series 6 showed us the unsavoury consequences, and the ideal of simple, innocent heroism was replaced with cautious, conscientious heroism. And then, Series 7 robbed the Doctor of his friends and repeatedly questioned his morality and heroism before the War Doctor resurfaced. Yes, the anniversary special allowed him to prevent the genocide he’d regretted for years, but the loss of innocence still remained. This is evident when discussing a blood-drenched final death on Trenzalore: The Tenth Doctor struggled to accept it, but the Eleventh had given up on denying it. He’s had to abandon the black-and-white morality he once held, in favour of the realisation that a battlefield might not be the least apt setting for his death.

Then he gets there, he fights, he gets old. And he shaves. Because time has already stolen his cherished worldview as well as his mobility, his hearing and patches of his memory. He won’t lose his face too. He wants to die as the Doctor he is, the Doctor he chose to be. So he keeps hold of what youth he can by shaving, and probably chuckling about his resemblance to his first and youngest incarnation.

It’s a unique instance of aging the Doctor in two respects. Firstly, he could easily have avoided staying on Trenzalore. He could have run, but he stayed in that stalemate by choice, thus aging by choice. Secondly, this is the only instance so far in which the Doctor has actively opposed the aging process. It’s also the only occasion in which he’s been allowed to, but it quietly illustrates the Doctor’s defiance in the face of the inevitable rules of getting old.

And that’s it.

Both the Doctor and the Master wore beards that reflected decisions which, in turn, reflected their characters. Who they are can be worn on their faces, if you know how to read them. Or how to use the material available to create a semi-coherent argument. But at least it’s fun to think about!



The Spinoffs of Dalekmania

With a mythos as rich and deep as that of Doctor Who, it’s inevitable that some stories are only skimmed in the main programme. So it’s no surprise that a number of spinoff productions have arisen to tell the stories that Who missed, such as those of popular companions and villains. However, the Dalek films of the 1960s took a different approach: adapting existing stories to the big screen and showing them in colour. While widely derided and frowned upon for deliberately rewriting fixtures of the main show, these films represent a key part of Who history. In this essay, I’ll explore the creation of these two films as well as the context in which they were made.

When the second serial of Doctor Who, retroactively titled The Daleks, was broadcast, it garnered a respectable viewership. The first episode was watched by 6.9 million people when it was broadcast in December of 1963, rising to 10.4 million by the final instalment in February of the following year (Outpost Gallifrey, 2003). For context, the population of the UK in 1964 was 54,000,000 (The World Bank, 2016) and 83.5% of homes had televisions (BARB, 2016), meaning that approximately 45,105,882 people had access to a television. Therefore, roughly 23% of the potential viewing public watched the final episode of The Daleks. In light of this popularity a follow-up story, which would become The Dalek Invasion of Earth, was commissioned in March 1964 (Green & R, 2007). Ratings for this serial never dropped below 11.4 million, peaking at 12.4 million for the final episode on Boxing Day of 1964 (Howe, et al., 2013), 27% of the potential viewing public. Notably, ITV attempted to wrest some viewers away from the BBC by featuring the Beatles, at the height of their popularity, on Thank Your Lucky Stars at the same time as Dalek story, but Doctor Who achieved higher ratings (Turner, 2013).

Away from Who, the Daleks had begun appearing everywhere. Following the conclusion of The Daleks, tabloid newspapers designed to tap into popular interests to sell copies would regularly feature stories about the Daleks, notably the Daily Mail (Bignell & O’Day, 2004). Even the Radio Times, the BBC’s listings magazine, featured the Daleks on its cover to promote The Dalek Invasion of Earth, reflecting how highly regarded the programme and the Daleks had become due to their popularity (Bignell & O’Day, 2004).

Non-Who television appearances were also common. These included A World of His Own in August of 1964 (Green & R, 2007); The Avengers in 1965 (Smith, 2008); and The Black and White Minstrel Show in December of 1964 (Bignell & O’Day, 2004). The latter is particularly significant because The Black and White Minstrel Show was one of the most popular programmes at the time, implying that the Daleks were deemed popular enough to be featured (Bignell & O’Day, 2004).
Daleks would also appear on record covers (Green & R, 2007), as toys (Hall, 2004); in comic strips; and in books (Bignell & O’Day, 2004).


Dr Who and the Daleks
Amicus Productions, founded by Americans Milton Subotsky and Max Rosenberg, were making films designed to capitalise on the popularity of Hammer’s horror films. Recognising Dalekmania as a film opportunity, Subotsky approached the BBC and Terry Nation to secure the rights to make a Doctor Who film featuring the Daleks (O’Brien, 2004). The price was negotiated to £500 for the rights to adapt The Daleks into a film, with the option of making two sequels (Pratt, 2014) based on The Dalek Invasion of Earth and third Dalek serial, The Chase (O’Brien, 2004).

In order to fund the film, Subotsky and Rosenberg secured the funding of Joe Vegoda, who asked for his company’s name to be put on the film (O’Brien, 2004). As a result, Dr Who and the Daleks was an AARU production, which had the added benefit of preventing children from finding a link to Amicus’ horror films (Pratt, 2014).

Despite attending preliminary meetings, Terry Nation decided against adapting his television script for the film, instead requesting that the responsibility pass onto David Whitaker (O’Brien, 2004). Whitaker was uncredited in the film (IMDB, 2016), with Subotsky being credited for the screenplay instead (Pratt, 2014). Aside from length, numerous character changes were made for the film. The titular character was now the human ‘Dr Who’, inventor of Tardis, in which he travelled with his two granddaughters, Barbara and Susan, joined by Barbara’s boyfriend named Comic Relief Ian.

The main characters’ roles were also recast for the film, partly because of scheduling conflicts, and partly to ensure that the film had international appeal. Peter Cushing was cast as the ‘Dr Who’ due to his international popularity accrued from his career in horror films by Amicus and Hammer (O’Brien, 2004). Hartnell was said to be disappointed not to be cast (IMDB, 2016); and Terry Nation expressed his disappointment with Cushing’s portrayal of the Doctor, citing Hartnell’s irascibility in the role as a key facet which had been shed for the film (Pratt, 2014). Roy Castle was cast as Ian, having appeared in a previous Amicus film (O’Brien, 2004); a previous Hammer actress in Jennie Linden was cast as Barbara (IMDB, 2016); while Roberta Tovey (whose father George would later appear in Pyramids of Mars) was cast as a much younger Susan (IMDB, 2016). However, David Graham and Peter Hawkins made the transition from serial to film when they voiced the Daleks in uncredited roles (IMDB, 2016). Finally, as no more than a satisfying piece of trivia, Tom Priestley, son of J.B. Priestley, was a sound editor for this film (Pratt, 2014).

The Daleks themselves were also altered. Eight props were built by Shawcroft, the company who made the props for the main programme, for £350 each (Green & R, 2007). These Daleks were taller than their television counterparts and were made with several subtle alterations to their dimensions and angles.

After shooting had wrapped on the film, the Doctor Who production team hired three film Daleks for use in episode three of The Chase, and these can be identified in the episode as the ones that are far too tall (Green & R, 2007). Raymond Cusick’s original vision of Daleks with pincers instead of plungers was realised at last (Green & R, 2007). Regarding the second appendage, John Trevelyan (head of the BBFC) had to warn Subotsky against arming his Daleks with flamethrowers if he wanted to keep a U rating, so they were armed with fire extinguishers instead (O’Brien, 2004). In addition, ten background Daleks were also constructed as plaster moulds at a cost of £100 each (Green & R, 2007).

Production began with a budget of £180,000, £3800 of which was spent on the Daleks (Green & R, 2007). Shooting was conducted from 12th March 1965 to 23rd April 1965 (IMDB, 2016) at Shepperton Studios (O’Brien, 2004). During shooting, director Gordon Flemyng was unaware that the lights on the Daleks’ domes were supposed to be lit as the Daleks spoke. Instead, he had them light up randomly. As a result, the voice actors, attempting to match the lights in postproduction, were forced into slow, staccato delivery of the Daleks’ dialogue (IMDB, 2016).

The finished film was released in London on 25th June 1965 and elsewhere in the UK on 23rd August 1965 (IMDB, 2016). Critical response ranged from a ‘shoddy film’ that children might enjoy (The Observer, 1965) to ‘obliquely interesting’ (The Guardian, 1965). Some praised Cushing’s performance, the sets and the Daleks, but criticised the script, the Daleks’ dialogue and Roy Castle’s humorous performance (Monthly Film Bulletin, 1965) (Rich, 1965). My favourite review was in the Times:

‘A large-screen, colour version of the popular television children’s serial, this fantasy about time-travelling clearly owes quite a bit to H. G. Wells’s The Time Machine, and gains very little in its new expanded form. The technical advantages of the cinema over television only show up the shoddiness of the sets, and the dialogue, lifelessly delivered by a dispirited cast, is too feeble even to be funny.’
(The Times, 1965)

The film was released in the USA in July 1966 (IMDB, 2016) and did not make as much money as it did in the UK (Nette, 2015). One critic found the whole premise implausible but admitted that children would enjoy it (Boxoffice, 1966).

Despite these largely negative reviews, it made enough money to become the UK’s 20th biggest box office earner in 1965 (Nette, 2015), meriting a sequel (O’Brien, 2004).

Daleks’ Invasion Earth – 2150AD
The main cast changed significantly for Daleks’ Invasion Earth – 2150AD (IMDB, 2016). Cushing and Tovey were retained but Linden decided not to appear in the sequel, meaning that both Ian and Barbara had to be written out (O’Brien, 2004). Jill Curzon was added to the cast as ‘Louise’, Dr Who’s niece. Castle’s comic relief role was filled by Bernard Cribbins (who would famously play Wilfred Mott in the NuWho era) as Tom Campbell (O’Brien, 2004).
Filming for the sequel at Shepperton studios occurred between 31st January 1966 and 22nd March 1966 (Pixley, 2005). With the larger budget of £286,000 (IMDB, 2016), £50,000 was spent on promoting the film, including television adverts (Simpson, 2007). In addition, more location shooting was possible, which worked to the film’s advantage, enabling impressive shots of a post-invasion London to be achieved (O’Brien, 2004). The film garnered some praise for its special effects, cinematography and acting (Rich, 1966) (Monthly Film Bulletin, 1966), although some critics noted that the film seemed more attractive to adults than children (The Times, 1966) (O’Brien, 2004).

The sequel failed to match the success of its predecessor after its UK release on 5th August 1966 (IMDB, 2016). Some have attributed this underperformance to waning public interest in Daleks following the recent broadcast of the 12-part The Daleks’ Master Plan (O’Brien, 2004). Plans to adapt The Chase were abandoned (O’Brien, 2004), although Subotsky would later try and fail to revive the project several times, having retained the film rights until his death in 1991 (Simpson, 2007) (McFarlane, 2014). To date, despite mooted ideas (Pixley, 2007), no further Doctor Who films have been made for theatrical release.

Final Thoughts
For those watching at the time, these films were a glimpse into the future of Who. A large part of this lies in the fact that this was the first colour appearance of the Daleks and the Doctor, and the importance of this should not be understated. The monochrome of first two Doctors’ reigns provided a sombre, dramatic atmosphere, and this worked well for serious scripts. But when beautiful, fantastical elements are portrayed, the viewer is forced to imagine how they’d truly look in real life. The Dalek films brought this fantasy to life, the surreal alien beauty of the Skaroene city and jungle was vividly realised. Conversely, the colour in Daleks’ Invasion Earth – 2150AD brought realism to the devastation of London after the Daleks had seized power. In short, this was the first time that colour had been able to deepen the experience of Doctor Who.

Another window to the future lay in the budgets for these films. Elaborate props and extensive location filming allowed the viewer at the time to see how Who would look if allocated more money. Indeed, the visuals would be matched and beaten by later episodes as technology and ingenuity advanced, but the viewing public in mid 1960s were lucky enough to get an early peek at these shifts.

And for us, looking back, these films serve as a colourful, family-friendly remnant of the Dalekmania craze which helped to establish Doctor Who in the minds of the public. It was this popularity that kept it in production in the 60s, that helped to sustain it for long enough for us to be enjoying it today. For their significance in Who history alone, these films are certainly worth watching. Plus, they’re a laugh.

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The Radio Times, 1964. Dr. Who and the Daleks. The Radio Times, 19 November, p. 1.
The Times, 1965. Studio One (Tomorrow): Dr. Who and the Daleks. The Times, 24 June, p. 11.
The Times, 1966. Daleks – Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.. The Times, 21 July, p. 17.
The World Bank, 2016. Population, total (UK). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 19 August 2016].
Turner, A. W., 2013. Chapter 6. In: Terry Nation: The Man Who Invented the Daleks. s.l.:Aurum Press.

Tennant’s Return: What it Means for Big Finish

Ah, David Tennant… With his boyish charm, effortless good looks and talent, he’s a lot of people’s favourite Doctor. Naturally, this legion of fans would have been delighted to hear about David’s return to the role via the recently released Big Finish audio plays. While is it incredibly difficult to be handsome over audio (speaking from experience), this development has the makings of brilliance, from both a business and artistic perspective. But the impact of the Tenth Doctor’s glorious return has the potential to be far more profound than piles of money and amazing stories…


The Audios Firmly Enter the NuWho Era

Prior to the 50th Anniversary, Big Finish had only had the rights to use characters and concepts from the Classic era. While this restriction was loosened in 2013 for their collaboration with AudioGo on Destiny of the Doctor, it wasn’t until 2015 that Big Finish secured the rights to use NuWho (post-2005) properties. These included the Time War and the War Doctor – which are major elements in the period between the Eighth and Ninth Doctors. With War Doctor box sets being produced and Time War stories featuring the Eighth Doctor on the horizon, Big Finish has evolved from an extension of Classic Who into a bridge between the two eras. When the stories of the Eighth and War Doctors are complete, we’ll have a single string of narrative from Hartnell to Capaldi and beyond.

So what does the acquisition of Tennant do? With the two halves of Who already linked, you’d expect Tennant to simply be the icing on the cake, the confirmation of the marriage. Except, Tennant extends the link – it’s no longer between Classic and NuWho, it now inhabits both eras as well as the time in between. Tennant’s new stories will be set during Series 4, between his onscreen appearances. The audios aren’t just a bridge anymore, they can become a collection of story strands running in parallel with the TV show, plugging the gaps between all episodes, not just between Survival and Rose.


He’s Stronger Glue Than the Time War

Multi-Doctor stories are a unique feature of Doctor Who, allowing the Doctor to interact with different versions of himself. The Three Doctors served to reinforce the continuity between the first three Doctors’ individual reigns, the Five Doctors did the same for the first five and the Two Doctors was a huge callback from the Sixth Doctor’s era to the Second Doctor’s. This type of story really hammers home the connectedness of this huge saga. However, NuWho and the Classic era feel like distinct entities which makes it difficult to believe in their wholeness at times.

Tennant lending his sultry tones to Big Finish can help with that. Imagine you have two sheets of cloth and you want them to stick them together as securely as you can. One approach would be to sew the end of each sheet to a third piece of cloth, so that this third sheet spans the gap between them. Job done, they’re both attached! But you can do better – you can place the two sheets on top of each other and stitch them together with a piece of thread in a series of running stitches across the area of the sheets. This is stronger, the link is more intimate now. The Time War was the third sheet of cloth while the thread in the running stitches is the timeline of the Doctor, freely dipping his toes in both eras.

How many stories in the NuWho period have crossed over with the Classic era like that running stitch? Two. One was Time Crash in which Peter Davison starred with Tennant. As excellent as it was, it was less than ten minutes long and it wasn’t included in the main run of the programme. The second was The Day of the Doctor in which archive footage was used to fill the roles of previous Doctors. These moments weren’t past Doctors intervening, they were windows through which this particular episode could peek at the show’s history. If the Tenth Doctor can meet the Eleventh and War Doctors, there isn’t an in-universe reason why can’t he properly meet the Fourth or Fifth.

On audio, deceased actors can be impersonated, aged actors needn’t be seen. Tennant can star alongside Tom Baker or Peter Davison without their greying hair distracting the audience. Which is a relief because Tennant’s voice is distracting enough…

The saga can be as interconnected and as mind-bending as the imagination allows; the Doctor can wade through the fourth dimension without being held back by the health or age of his actors. He can be free of the Classic/NuWho divide, straddling it with impunity, able to meet any version of himself as long as the Web of Time can take the strain.


Big Finish Becomes the Done Thing

Some fans watching the Ninth and Tenth Doctors on television would have watched their departures hoping for them to join the pantheon of Doctors at Big Finish. This is a recent development – a possible return for these actors after regeneration was once limited to multi-Doctor episodes, but with the rise of Big Finish, there is now a clear future path for these Doctors. Tennant is the first to have met these hopes, establishing in the minds of his fans that when a Doctor regenerates on TV, he may return via audio. Having these hopes met can solidify them into expectations when considering other NuWho Doctors. Consequently, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi may now be expected to follow in Tennant’s footsteps.

These expectations, with some enviable multitasking ability, could also change the regular experience of a fan. If the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors follow the Tenth, it may become normal to watch a Doctor on television and then listen to them on audio. In acquiring the Tenth Doctor, Big Finish have made a statement: audios are not just for those who love the Classic era, more casual NuWho fans are welcome too.


Final Thoughts

David Tennant’s return to the role of the Doctor can help to tie together the two eras of Who more securely than ever before. By attracting fellow NuWho actors and younger fans to audios, his involvement can be a major step towards keeping Big Finish current. The standard of their storytelling has been so incredibly high that its marriage to fresh ideas and talent can’t fail to excite the fans among us.


Class: Should We Be Excited?

Late last month, the BBC finally released the air date for the first episode of Class, as well as confirmation of Peter Capaldi’s involvement. While this news is welcome to many, some of us may a tad worried about high expectations being dashed. After all, it’s been five years since the death throes of Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures, while K-9 never really got off the ground. That’s a long time to fantasise about what spinoffs ought to be, whilst also being teased with the superb television offerings of recent years. So how high should our hopes be? What should we expect?
Upon the initial announcement of Class last year, it was established that the series would be set at Coal Hill School, with Patrick Ness hinting at sixth formers being the focus. Later interviews confirm that Ness aims to channel the emotional complexity of young adult fiction, which is refreshing to hear. While the Sarah Jane Adventures dealt with the emotions attached to family themes such as adoption, single-parenthood and divorce, it stopped just short of the angst and conflict that Torchwood handled so well. Obviously, this was symptomatic of the divide between children’s and adult television – the former was kept kid-friendly and safe, while the latter was offensive and risky at times. But Ness appears to be advocating a blend between the two, portraying teenagers with similar emotional depth as adults, which is something we don’t often see in the Whoniverse.

Ness himself is an interesting factor. Class will be his first television series in a career dominated by novels, which makes him a bit of an unknown quantity. However, the film A Monster Calls, for which Ness adapted his novel, holds an 8/10 rating on IMDB and 74% on Rotten Tomatoes. I would watch the film myself so I could tell you what I think, but it’s not in cinemas until January 2017! But if the critics appear to like it, Ness’ inexperience is unlikely to have detracted from their enjoyment of the film. Couple this with his ability to write critically acclaimed novels dealing with morality and fantasy, and Ness looks like a very promising writer for the show.
Moving onto the stories themselves, Ness has promised to introduce new ideas, rather than forever harking back to the rich past of Who. Not much has since been said on the content of the programme, so it’s all been left rather mysterious. The BBC has teased us with words of a fugitive from an alien war; the Doctor charging some teenagers with the defence of the Earth; and some pictures of an alien gun. The rest of the publicity has been playing up the young adult aspect, reassuring us all that these characters do indeed have their own motivations.

From this we can gather that Ness and the BBC are keen to draw attention to the complex characters they claim to have created. This can go one of two ways: it’s all lies or it’s well founded. I find it hard to believe that they’re lying. Ness has a very good reputation and both he and the BBC would lose more than they’d gain from lying. Therefore, we can probably expect some well-written characters, with the logical extension of that being some character-driven stories.
Another scrap of information was released by Ness regarding LGBT representation:

I don’t recall any LGBT characters in The Sarah Jane Adventures, there were a few in Who and even more in Torchwood. So the trend would appear to have been one which pigeonholed LGBT characters as a ‘grown-up’ theme in the Whoniverse. With that in mind, the inclusion of a gay protagonist in a programme targeted at young adults is certainly a step towards fairer representation. And, as reassurance, Ness is also gay, meaning he’s unlikely to propagate harmful stereotypes or make a huge deal out of his characters’ sexualities.
Class might have been conceived with the future in mind. If it’s popular enough, it will continue after Steven Moffat’s imminent departure as Who showrunner. Both Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures petered out soon after Moffat took over from Russell T Davies, sadly resulting in a somewhat insular feel to Who since then, with only one crossover during Matt Smith’s era. With the arrival of Class so close to another handover may imply that the team behind it have plans for its longevity. This may include plans for handling a change of Who showrunner or Doctor. Similarly, the show may have been designed to allow some change in the regular cast so that any unexpected departures, such as the tragic passing of Elizabeth Sladen, won’t necessarily signal the end of the programme. Liz Sladen’s show was built around her character and it was fitting for it to end with her passing. But Class, being based in a school, seems to be constructed differently – sixth formers move on, teachers leave. The show could be robust enough to survive, as long as the audience watches it.
In terms of negatives, Class only has its unknown quantities. The main cast are mostly newcomers; Ness is new to television; and the stories are a secret. While it might worry some that this new programme could simply fail, there are some aspects to Class which aren’t new at all. Steven Moffat is an executive producer; as is Brian Minchin, who has worked on Who, Torchwood, and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Katherine Kelly is also a very good actress and Ness is obviously a good writer. So Class is probably in safe hands.
Further safety precautions may be evident in the use of proven concepts. The premise of Class appears to be similar to that of Torchwood, with temporal damage leading to dangerous happenings at the school, with students charged with fixing them. In addition, Moffat has described the show as ‘dark and sexy’ and, as if to underline the similarities, the show will be first broadcast exactly ten years after Torchwood’s first airing. However, Ness has promised to introduce new ideas instead of recycling old favourites, so there’s little chance he’ll churn out a tired copy of Torchwood.
While we don’t know much about Class, what little we’ve learned looks promising. We can probably expect a fresh, mature series with a cast of compelling new characters, yet set to a familiar tone and setting. This combination of new and old has served Who’s spinoffs well in the past, but whether it will work again cannot be determined with conjecture and speculation. Class may soar or it may fall, but as far as we know, it’s certainly worth getting excited about. A chance to explore a new side of Who during the long wait between series can only be a good thing.