Henry the Eighth, by the Grace of God, King of England and France, Defender of the Faith and Lord of Ireland greets all to whom this present letter shall come.
- We have received word – both from the Fourth Baronet of Cambridge, and the Right Reverent Nicholas, Bishop of Ely – that the Church of the Blessed Saint Cedd, of the foundation of the same Saint Cedd within our town of Cambridge, and under the patronage of the Bishop, as within the jurisdiction of his Diocese of Ely, is under reconstruction financed by the aforementioned Baronet.
- The Baronet has also, supported by the Bishop of Ely, submitted unto Us a petition, seeking Our permission for the erection of dwelling-houses about the Church, upon the road known as Trumpington Street, and within Our University of Cambridge. These dwelling-houses, to house one master and at least five fellows, will comprise a College for the study of theology and modern languages within the said University in perpetuity.
- The Baronet, with the agreement of the Bishop, has proposed that the new College be known as the College of Saint Cedd the Interpreter and has installed himself as the first Master of the said College, its fellows, students and properties.
WE, in view of the pious generosity of the Baronet, in the exercise of his wealth, influence and expertise to uphold the legacy of the Blessed Saint Cedd; and its steadfast combination with the earnest commendation of Our Reverend Father, the Bishop of Ely, have ACCEPTED AND APPROVED the submitted petition, consenting to the foundation, construction, creation, constitution and ordinance for Ourselves and for all Our successors as the Kings of England, ardently commending this petition to God Almighty.
Furthermore, Our approval entails the following, for Ourselves and for our successors as the Kings of England:
- that the buildings, society, company and establishment founded herein, shall be called evermore the College of Saint Cedd the Interpreter, within the University of Cambridge in Cambridgeshire;
- that the College shall be founded, established, retained and protected as a constituent College of the University of Cambridge, from this day until the End of Time Itself;
- and also that the said College shall possess, maintain and retain in perpetuity the lands, properties, jewels, wealth and buildings attached to and associated with the Second Church of the Blessed Saint Cedd, to be hereby repurposed as the Chapel of the College, from now unto perpetuity;
- that the College shall consist of and house, at any one time, one Master and five or more fellows, for the provision of theological and linguistic education for the scholars of the College within the University.
- that the said Master and fellows are of reputable character, as measured by morality, scholarship and Our law, such that they retain ability and fitness to have, hold, acquire, enjoy, and purchase in their capacities lands and tenements, rents, reversions, possessions and services of whatever kind with their appurtenances from any person or persons whatsoever in fee and perpetuity having, holding, acquiring and enjoying for themselves and their successors in mortmain in perpetuity;
- also that the said Master and fellows and their successors in perpetuity shall have a chest or tower, and other statutes and ordinances and other college appurtenances of whatever kind according to the form and effect of the statutes, ordinances, arrangements and dispositions by the said Baronet and his executors in that regard duly made, declared and ordained or to be made declared and ordained;
- and that the said Master and fellows shall have a common seal to serve for themselves and the business of the said College forever;
- and also that the said Master and fellows and their successors may sue and be sued in the name of the Master and fellows of the College of Saint Cedd the Interpreter within the University of Cambridge and shall answer and be answered in all courts and tribunals in all types of legal action, personal, real and mixed, before any judges whatsoever whether spiritual or temporal and before all royal courts of ourselves and our successors and all other courts whatsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have ordered these our letters patent to be made in the presence of Nicholas, the Right Reverend Bishop of the Diocese of Ely, at Westminster, on the twenty-sixth day of October in the fourteenth year of our reign (1523). By the king himself, and on that date by the authority of Parliament.